Rare As A Blue Moon: The Larimar Secret of Discovery
Rare As A Blue Moon: The Larimar Secret of Discovery

Rare As A Blue Moon: The Larimar Secret of Discovery

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Here is some rare Lillystrong news! I now have a YouTube podcast! Lilly’s Antidepressant Life, @iamlillyiamstrong-xy7hs

Imagine I tell you that you are as rare as a blue moon or as serendipitous as the discovery of larimar. Would that make you pause and wonder?

Are you familiar with what a “blue moon” actually signifies?

It’s more than just a phrase; it embodies rarity and exceptional beauty. And just like a blue moon, you possess a spectacular uniqueness that sets you apart. Just as this celestial event captivates onlookers across the world, your distinct qualities and essence hold a similar, mesmerizing allure.

Rare blue moon

A Rare Blue Moon

So, what exactly is a blue moon? Oddly, it is not the color blue. A blue moon happens when you get a second full moon in a single month. That doesn’t sound exciting until you understand what must occur for this to happen.

Usually, there’s only one full moon because it takes about 29.5 days to go from one full moon to the next, and most months are not much longer than that. But now and then, the timing works out, so we get an extra full moon in the same month…

…and that’s what we call a “blue moon.”

It just doesn’t come around very often. And when it does, it is magnificent.

More Blue Things…Even When the Moon Is Not

Many of my favorite things are blue: the exceptional sight of a blue moon, the vastness of the sunny skies overhead, the power of the rolling ocean, and the symbolic hope seen in a baby bluebird chirping in the spring morning.

I have a particular fondness for the color blue. It evokes a sense of tranquility and peacefulness in me. And even though a blue moon isn’t actually the color blue, it still evokes the same mysterious qualities or rarity and pricelessness.

Another one of my favorite blue things is something called Larimar. If you’ve never heard of larimar, let me introduce you!

Rare larimar stone

The Rare Larimar Secret

I have fallen in love with this particular semi-precious gemstone: It’s called Larimar, which is a distinctively beautiful gemstone with swirls of blue, white, and cerulean. It literally looks like the Caribbean Sea.

The cultural history of Larimar, deeply entwined with the Dominican Republic’s heritage, traces its roots back to the indigenous Taino people, renowned for their rich culture and connection to nature. There are no records about how the Taino people used larimar, but we know it was hidden away from the rest of the world for hundreds of years. While the exact extent of the Taino’s relationship with this unique stone remains a mystery, it adds an element of intrigue to its history.

Then, in 1974, (Just 50 years ago!) Larimar was rediscovered by Dominican Miguel Méndez and Peace Corps volunteer Norman Rilling. Méndez, inspired by its oceanic hues, aptly named it “Larimar,” blending his daughter Larissa’s name with “mar,” the Spanish word for sea. Can you imagine having a precious gemstone named after you?

Now reintroduced to the world, the rarity of this stone and its serendipitous rediscovery is held in high esteem. Larimar is mined from only one very small area in the Dominican Republic. Found in an inactive volcano crater, there is little chance this stone will ever be created again.

It is special, unique, and distinct.

I have one pair of Larimar earrings that I cherish. Not only are they beautiful and my favorite stone, but they also remind me of rarity and how special “uniqueness” is.

They are a visual reminder that I am also a rarity: special, unique, and distinct.

But there is a secret to harnessing the power of this rare quality for yourself.

The Secret

The Secret of Appreciating How Rare You Are

The secret lies in self-appreciation.

Just like a blue moon is a rare occurrence and the larimar is a rare find, your “you-ness” sets you apart from the rest. You inspire wonder and fascination; you are memorable and valuable.

Every person is a unique and rare masterpiece, a one-of-a-kind tapestry of experiences, thoughts, and dreams. Like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike. Each of us carries a distinct blend of talents, quirks, and perspectives that contribute to the rich diversity of the human experience.

Our differences are not just to be tolerated but celebrated, for they are the colors that paint the world’s most beautiful canvas. Remember, in a world of over eight billion people, there is only one you. That’s not just special; it’s irreplaceable.

However, this quality only shines when it is appreciated.

The rare shine

3 O’Clock Wednesdays

Here’s an exciting challenge for you: Embrace and celebrate your extraordinary uniqueness with intention today. Remember, the true value of your incredible self doesn’t lie in how many people admire you but in recognizing and cherishing your own worth.

Think of it as the unusual symbolism of a rare blue moon combined with the journey of Larimar – a gem that remained underappreciated until its rediscovery. It’s time for you to rediscover and revel in your own extraordinary qualities!

So here is my Wednesday 3 O’clock recipe for a mid-week pick-me-up. Remember, for Wednesdays at 3:00, we do three things that should take about three minutes. Three things in three minutes at three O’clock! (If you want to know the origins of 3 O’Clock Wednesdays, read this.)

  1. Affirmation – take a moment to affirm that you are unique and rare, like the larimar stone and a blue moon. The larimar secret is the story of your life.
  2. Grace – Give yourself grace for your imperfections. Remember, the tiny ‘imperfections’ in the larimar stone make it beautiful.
  3. Make Self-Care a Priority – Plan a quick self-care indulgence for the week. What will it be to celebrate your “you-ness?” Will you buy yourself some flowers on your way home? Pick a drawer to ‘de-clutter’ over the weekend. Maybe go on a photography searching walk to take pictures of beautiful flowers. Or, maybe you’ll refill your happy tank by calling a good friend. Whatever it is, take a minute right now to make your self-care plan for this week!

Remember: You are as rare as a blue moon and as serendipitous as the discovery of larimar.

Check out more articles by Lilly at https://lillystrong.com/

The new series continues this Saturday. Catch the first one here: Unveiled Narcissistic Abuse: Never Again! Not Me!

Scroll down further if you want to read about the fascinating history of Larimar.



Larimar, also known as “Stefilia’s Stone,” is a rare blue variety of the silicate mineral pectolite. Its discovery and subsequent value are quite interesting. Here’s a brief overview of its history:


Larimar, a gemstone of captivating beauty, owes its existence to the dynamic forces of nature. This rare gem is formed through the intricate processes of volcanic activity, exclusively found in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. Its geological formation is a marvel in itself. The stone is mined from the depths of inactive volcanic craters, where the intense heat and pressure conditions facilitated its creation.

The striking blue hue of Larimar, which sets it apart from other minerals, is the result of a unique phenomenon: the substitution of copper for calcium within its crystalline structure. This not only gives Larimar its distinctive coloration but also links it closely to the geophysical characteristics of its sole known location.

Domincan Republic

The story of Larimar intertwines with the cultural history of the Dominican Republic. Long before it gained recognition on the global stage, there is evidence to suggest that the indigenous Taino people of the region were acquainted with this remarkable stone.

The Taino, known for their rich culture and deep connection with nature, might have cherished Larimar, possibly attributing special significance or value to it. However, the extent and nature of their knowledge about Larimar remain shrouded in mystery, adding an intriguing chapter to the stone’s history.

Larimar’s journey to contemporary prominence is equally fascinating. The modern chapter of this gemstone began in 1974, marking a pivotal moment in its history.

Rediscovered by Miguel Méndez, a Dominican native, and Norman Rilling, a Peace Corps volunteer, the stone was reintroduced to the world under a new name – “Larimar.” This name, coined by Méndez, is a heartfelt homage combining his daughter Larissa’s name with the Spanish word for the sea, “mar,” inspired by the gem’s ocean-like color.

This rediscovery not only brought Larimar into the limelight but also established a unique connection between the stone and the cultural identity of the Dominican Republic. Larimar, with its serene blue reminiscent of the Caribbean Sea, now stands as a symbol of the region’s natural beauty and geological wonder.

Path to Value

Larimar’s journey from obscurity to international recognition is a tale of discovery and growing allure. Initially, this striking blue gemstone was little known beyond the borders of the Dominican Republic, its country of origin. This changed dramatically following its rediscovery in 1974, which marked the beginning of Larimar’s entry into the global gemstone market. The gem’s unique origin story, combined with its mesmerizing blue color, reminiscent of the Caribbean Sea, quickly captivated the attention of jewelers and collectors worldwide.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Larimar’s popularity soared. The gemstone began to intrigue and attract more jewelers and collectors, drawn not only to its aesthetic appeal but also to its rarity and unique provenance. Larimar’s scarcity is a significant part of its charm; found only in a limited area in the Dominican Republic, this rarity adds to its value and desirability. The range of its blue hues, from gentle light blue to vibrant green-blue and deep, oceanic blue, further enhances its appeal, making it a sought-after gem for various forms of jewelry.

In its native land, Larimar holds special cultural significance. Dominican artisans skillfully craft this local gemstone into exquisite pieces of jewelry, celebrating and perpetuating their cultural heritage. This artisanal aspect, coupled with the stone’s natural beauty, has made Larimar particularly popular among tourists and gemstone enthusiasts visiting the region.

As years passed, Larimar’s fame transcended national boundaries, garnering international recognition. It has found its way into an array of jewelry pieces, including elegant necklaces, delicate earrings, and charming bracelets. This global appreciation of Larimar not only highlights its inherent beauty but also symbolizes a connection between the Dominican culture and gemstone lovers around the world.

Today, Larimar is considered a valuable gemstone, prized for its rarity, unique origin, and striking appearance. It’s a symbol of the Caribbean and is cherished by collectors and the general public for its beauty and unique story.


The Beauty of a Volcano

Larimar is found in an inactive volcanic area. The geological processes that led to the formation of Larimar occurred millions of years ago when volcanic activity was more prevalent in the region. Over time, the volcanic activity ceased, and the region where Larimar is found became inactive in terms of volcanic eruptions.

The specific type of volcanic activity that created Larimar involved hot gases pushing crystallized minerals up through volcanic tubes. As these minerals cooled, they formed Larimar. Today, the stone is extracted from rocky outcrops and mines in the Bahoruco Mountain Range in the Dominican Republic. This region is known for its historical volcanic activity, but currently, there are no active volcanoes in the area where Larimar is mined.

Larimar is primarily used in jewelry-making today, valued for its striking turquoise color and often set in silver or gold to create necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings. Additionally, it is sometimes used in crystal healing practices, believed by some to have soothing and healing properties.

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