Pay Kindness Forward…But First Cash It In!
Pay Kindness Forward…But First Cash It In!

Pay Kindness Forward…But First Cash It In!

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Have you ever been that person who loves to surprise others with acts of kindness?

You pay for the coffee order of the customer behind you, leave a kind note on a co-worker’s desk, or simply hold the door open with a warm smile. You thrive on spreading positivity and making someone’s day a little brighter.

But here’s the twist – when someone unexpectedly compliments you, you find yourself stumbling over your response, not sure how to accept that kindness graciously.

If this sounds like you, know that you’re not alone, and there’s a beautiful way to embrace the kindness given to you so that you can have even more to give.


A Drive-By Compliment

Yesterday, just an ordinary day, I was walking down the street towards my car. I was lost in thought, already three steps ahead of my scheduled ‘to-do’ list.

Two people were walking in the opposite direction, deep in conversation. As we passed, one of the strangers looked at me and said, “You look very pretty, by the way.”

Their words, simple and unexpected, had an incredible impact.

I couldn’t help but smile, a genuine, ear-to-ear smile that radiated warmth.

Now, you might be thinking, “What’s the big deal about a compliment?” Well, it’s not just about the words themselves, but what they represent – a moment of kindness from someone who didn’t have to say a thing.

And that moment of kindness had a ripple effect.

ripples of kindness

Ripples of Kindness

As I continued my walk, that smile stayed with me, and I noticed something magical happening. Every person I smiled at seemed to brighten up a bit, their faces lighting up with warmth and positivity. It was as if that initial compliment had unlocked a chain reaction of kindness, a domino effect that spread joy from one person to the next.

I loved feeling like I was making someone else’s day a little bit brighter.

So, why is it that we often struggle with accepting kindness when we’re so eager to give it?

It’s a question worth exploring because learning to receive kindness with grace can be just as important as giving it. Let’s dive into this and discover how to cash in on kindness and let it enrich our lives.

be kind

Accepting Compliments Is A Skill

Let’s start with those unexpected compliments. You know the ones I’m talking about – when someone says something genuinely nice about you, and you respond with an awkward “Oh, it’s nothing” or “You’re too kind.”

While you may think you’re being humble, you’re actually missing out on a beautiful opportunity.

Imagine someone handing you a beautifully wrapped gift, and instead of opening it and enjoying what’s inside, you simply say, “No, thank you.”

That’s what happens when you deflect compliments. You’re turning away a gift of kindness and in doing so, denying both yourself and the giver a moment of joy.

So, here’s a small but profound shift you can make: the next time someone pays you a compliment, embrace it. Accept it with a simple and sincere “Thank you.”

Let those kind words sink in, and let them brighten your day. By doing so, you not only honor the giver’s intention but also acknowledge your own worthiness.

love and kindness

The Kindness Loop

Now, let’s talk about the beauty of embracing kindness. It’s not just about boosting your mood or making you feel good in the moment (although that’s certainly a perk). When you allow yourself to accept the goodness that comes your way, you set off a chain reaction, a loop of kindness that can have far-reaching effects.

Think of it as a positivity loop:

  • When you accept a compliment or a kind gesture, you feel valued and appreciated.
  • That boost in your self-esteem and mood propels you forward, making you more inclined to spread kindness to others.
  • You become a magnet for positivity, and people are drawn to your warmth and graciousness.

The Self-Doubt Dilemma

You might be thinking, “What if I don’t deserve the compliment?” Ah, that’s the self-doubt speaking. It’s that little voice in your head that questions your worthiness.

But here’s the truth: when someone pays you a compliment, they genuinely believe it.

Consider this: when you compliment someone, you mean it, right?

You see something admirable or beautiful in them, and you want to acknowledge it. The same goes for others when they compliment you. So, instead of second-guessing their sincerity, why not trust their judgment?

It’s important to recognize that self-doubt is like a thief that steals the joy of the moment. By letting go of self-doubt and accepting kindness with an open heart, you not only honor the giver but also embrace your own worthiness.

self worth

It’s Not About Ego; It’s About Self-Worth

Accepting kindness isn’t about inflating your ego or becoming self-centered.

It’s about recognizing your own worth and acknowledging that you are deserving of love, appreciation, and all the good things that life has to offer.

When that stranger complimented me yesterday, I didn’t try to deflect the compliment because it was given unexpectedly by someone who had nothing to gain by giving it. Instead, I savored the sweet moment.

Accepting kindness is a way of saying, “I am worthy of kindness, and I will relish every bit of it.”

3 O’Clock Wednesday

So, here’s the bottom line, my kind friend. It’s time to cash in on kindness, not just for others but for yourself too.

When someone pays you a compliment, accept it with an open heart. Believe in your worthiness and let the positivity flow.

In following our 3 O’Clock Wednesday format of doing 3 things in 3 minutes, go through our checklist:

  1. Give yourself the affirmation that you deserve kindness.
  2. Give yourself grace for not always accepting kindness fully. It’s not your fault. Our society has made compliment acceptance very difficult.
  3. Plan a little self-care for the week. Try to make a plan that will embrace kindness such as performing random acts of kindness, practicing gratitude, or taking some time to write in a journal nice things people have done for you lately.

Go out there and let kindness fill your cup so you can overflow it onto others.

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