Escape Heavy Weight of the World by Smart “Weighting”
Escape Heavy Weight of the World by Smart “Weighting”

Escape Heavy Weight of the World by Smart “Weighting”

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What weight drags you down? Stress? Burdens? Challenges?

Most likely, it’s a combination of all three. We live in a world full of significant problems and obligations that can manifest in emotional, mental, and even physical strain. We all feel the enormity of these stresses, like heavy boulders pressing down on our bodies.

But there is a way to actually use weight to ease the heavy weight of the world you are lugging around on your shoulders. And it’s super easy. Are you ready to give yourself a break from all the weight?

weight of burdens

That’s A Big Bear

I remember going to an amusement park with my family when I was a little girl. An enormous stuffed panda bear dangled as the incentifying prize for a carnival-type game.

I liked the panda bear.

My father decided I should have the panda bear.

I don’t remember exactly how long it took my dad to knock over the bottles with a football in order to win the panda bear, but at my young age, it seemed to take hours. And, of course, my dad was an absolute hero in my eyes.

In the end, he won the panda bear for me. Or maybe he just bought one. Who knows? The exact details are forever lost to the fleeting nature of childhood memories.

All I know is that my dad had to carry the giant panda bear to the car for me because it was nearly as big as I was.

giant bear

The Weight Works

I was thrilled to bring home my giant panda bear. It represented a moment in time between my father and me that made me feel very special.

But, as one might expect from a carnival prize, this was not an F.A.O. Schwarz-quality stuffed bear.

It was not soft or floppy. It did not feel like silk against my skin.

Instead, it was stiff and a bit rough.

But it was heavy. And I loved it.

I would lay on my bed, pull that giant bear on top of me, and revel in the reassuring weight. It made me feel safe, comforted, and soothed.

I didn’t realize it, but I was intuitively engaging in sensory soothing. By deeply embracing the sense of touch, I was helping regulate my entire body.

I used that giant bear for many years as a source of comfort when the world seemed to be too much for me. And as I grew up, I naturally shifted to more innovative ways of using weight to soothe my soul.

No, I do not still have a giant, heavy panda bear to snuggle with.

But I do love to cuddle under heavy quilts. I like to prop big pillows against my body when I go to sleep. I also have used warm bean bags to provide just a bit of pressure and warmth to chase away the chill of stress in this disordered world.

Weighted blanket

What Weight Works Best?

I have linked products I find useful or inspiring. I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

There are so many ways to incorporate weight in self-care. I’m going to share a few products that I have found to be very calming during emotional and stressful times. As with all self-care, using weight is a highly personal experience and should be used to match your comfort level.

Weighted Blankets

The heaviness of a blanket helps me sleep. In fact, I’ll sleep with my windows open and a fan running just to make it cold enough to necessitate the need for a thick blanket.

Now, it’s super easy to get ahold of blankets in different weights. Here are a few options from Amazon:

There are weighted blankets to fit your mattress size, like this one, available in several sizes and colors.

Soft, fuzzy, weighted blankets are also available for a superior sensory experience.

Weighted blankets also come in lap sizes like this 7 lb. one.

Stuffed Animals With Some Extra Love

Weighted stuffed animals can be just the perfect size for holding or lying on your lap.

Stuffed animals come in different weights, such as this 5 lb. panda bear.

Weighted Vests

Weighted vests give comfort like a hug. They come in a variety of colors and styles for children and adults.

These weighted vests are stylish enough to wear every day.

Weighted Scarves

Weighted scarves sometimes come with heating functions. These are great for putting a bit of relaxing pressure on your neck and shoulders.

This weighted shoulder wrap is filled with glass beads. The materials provide a different sensory experience.

Weighted Pillow

Huggable body pillows from Amazon can be used in a lot of different ways to alleviate stress.

Cute animal-shaped pillows come in cat, bunny, cow, and dog varieties.

Choose Your Own Giant Panda

I wrote this article using a play on words. Weighting, instead of waiting.

However weighting is defined as an adjustment made to account for special circumstances.

Isn’t that the perfect definition for the weight on our shoulders? Sometimes, we feel the burdens of the world pushing us down, and an adjustment or change needs to be made to combat it. I encourage you to find your own personal ‘weight’ that will soothe your soul and calm your tensions. Embrace the comfort of stress release today!

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