Low Self-Esteem Challenge #3: Share Your Mantra With Us!
Low Self-Esteem Challenge #3: Share Your Mantra With Us!

Low Self-Esteem Challenge #3: Share Your Mantra With Us!

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I’m glad you have joined us on this challenge to annihilate low self-esteem! I think we all struggle with low self-esteem, and it’s time to stop that false script in its tracks. You are a fantastic human being, and you need to remember that!

Let’s review the challenge so far:

  1. Create a personal mantra. Mine is this (Feel free to use it too):
my low self-esteem mantra

2. Practice saying your mantra to yourself during the day.

You can read Challenge #1 here and Challenge #2 here.

Are you ready for part 3?

Lift others to fight low self-esteem

The Next Challenge to Fight Low Self-Esteem — SHARE IT!

This part is super easy. Take that mantra that you’ve chosen for yourself and practiced, and now share it with the rest of the world. By sharing it, you take ownership of it. And who knows—you might inspire someone else to fight against their low self-esteem.

Choose your method and share today!:

  • Make a video of yourself saying your mantra. You can post it in the comments on my YouTube video or share it on social media.
  • Post your mantra on social media.
  • Tell one friend about the challenge and share your mantra.
  • Create a poster and hang it in your locker/office/window.
  • Call a close friend and discuss the significance of your chosen mantra.

Sharing your mantra will firmly plant it into your brain as your own personal saying. Once the world connects you with your mantra, the words will become more real and reassuring. This is a power you possess! Share it today!

3 O’Clock Wednesday

3 O’clock Wednesday is all about getting a mid-week boost. Remember to pause and take a moment to:

  • Give Yourself Affirmation – You are fabulous, just the way you are.
  • Give Yourself Grace for not being perfect. You are doing the best you can with what you have, and that’s courageous and brave.
  • Make a Self-Care Plan for the week – Today, embrace your mantra as a form of self-care.

For more inspiration, read The Weight of the Ultimate Club Sandwich Generation or Mindful Breathing: Three Minutes to Reset.

Be sure to click and subscribe to the YouTube channel iamlillyiamstrong.

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