Hello Beautiful Dreamer!
Hello Beautiful Dreamer!

Hello Beautiful Dreamer!

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Hello Beautiful Dreamer!

Dreams are a part of who we are. I’m not talking about the chaotic mini-stories our subconsciousness creates during the REM cycle of sleep. Instead, I am talking about those bits and sparks of daydreams we all have had about becoming something different or winning the lottery or finally saying that snappy comeback at the right time. Those delicious moments when we allow our minds to wander into unchartered and unfiltered realms. Those daydreams may be silly, grandiose, or even ridiculous. But I think being a dreamer is a truly beautiful thing to be.

Super hero dreamer

Little Dreamers Dream Big

When I was a little girl, I was an expert day-dreamer, and I had convinced myself that one day I would be gifted with super powers. One of my favorite childhood movies had a pair of siblings with magical powers, and I was pretty sure I was somehow their long-lost sister.

When I would go to bed at night, I would enter that delightful phase of relaxation right before I nodded off into sleep. As soon as that stillness weighed down my limbs, my brain was free to conjure up the most fantastical ideas.

My super powers were unlimited: flying, strength, intelligence, bravery. In my mind I was unstoppable.

Sadly, somewhere along the journey of life, I learned the lesson that I am, indeed, stoppable. That is a humbling, limiting feeling. It makes a person feel small and vulnerable. Cautious.


As I grew older, my interests expanded beyond super heroes. I discovered I loved to dance. All that swirling, twirling, and stretching into the horizon; it is mesmerizing.

My dreams then switched towards more concrete goals. I was going to become a prima ballerina! OK, I never said they were realistic goals. But there ARE real ballerinas in this world. Super heroes? Not so much. So my developing brain began to settle on dreams that were slightly more doable.

Until I realized that I was never going to become a prima ballerina. Sadly, I accepted that I wasn’t gifted, or talented, or special. I am just plain, ordinary me.

Excuse Me?

Um, excuse me? Plain and ordinary? What is the point of 3 O’clock Wednesdays if it isn’t to celebrate your beautiful “you-ness”? There is not one single person in this whole world who is exactly like you.

There is something magical about dreaming fantastical stories in defiance of the ordinariness the world presents to us. Dreaming is healthy. It’s uplifting! It certainly is a good counter to the mid-week blues.

Ballerina dreamer

Ban Broken Dreams

Our world is sometimes harsh and unforgiving, and it can sting especially sharp on Wednesdays! I challenge you today to ban your broken dreams to that treasure chest in the attic of your memories. It’s time to focus our sights on happier thoughts. Go ahead and allow yourself the luxury of day-dreaming. It doesn’t have to take long. (Remember our goal? Three things at 3:00 in three minutes?)

Dream Big!

Dream big! Embrace your inner super hero or ballerina. Think of building your dream house or running for president. Imagine your pet unicorn running freely through your ranch in the mountains. Be a queen for a day. Jam out to your inner rock star. There are no limits.

3 O’clock Wednesday

Here is what I did for today’s 3 O’clock Wednesday:

  1. Affirmation – I said to myself, “I am a beautiful dreamer. Nothing is too silly to imagine!”
  2. Grace – “There is no shame in not accomplishing my childhood dreams. I turned out fabulous anyways!”
  3. Self-Care – I decided to sit out on the beach for this special, planned moment of dreaming. I sat by the shore and dug my toes into the warm sand, closed my eyes and disappeared into the world of make-believe for a few minutes. It was delightful, healing, restorative.


This harsh world will destroy our dreams and puts limits on our imaginations if we let it. Day-dreaming is such a gentle way of re-affirming how special we are. No one in the world dreams just like you. You are unique and special. You are a beautiful dreamer!

New to 3 O’clock Wednesdays? Check out the beginnings here:https://lillystrong.com/3-oclock-wednesdays/

Would you like to join me on my journey through betrayal? Click here:https://lillystrong.com/2021/12/08/and-im-free-falling/

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