Chasing Blue Sky and Finding Happiness
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Chasing Blue Sky and Finding Happiness

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Chasing Blue Sky and Finding Happiness

Real life has inspired me today to write about chasing blue sky and finding happiness. Writers are sometimes stopped in their tracks as they work. Distractions, writer’s block, time commitments: they all push us off our course. Today I was working on several posts having to do with “finding happiness instead of sadness” (check next Wednesday to read it!) But I found myself stuck in my emotions, specifically, in dark and dreary emotions.

I write from the very core of my soul, so, when I am working with an unpleasant topic (such as sadness), I can easily find myself mired in the quicksand of sad memories. And that is what happened. Cold waves of sadness crashed over me as I stopped in my tracks. However, even though I was momentarily stopped, I knew I could make a change.

I decided to jump on a bike and take a quick ride down the bike path. Exercise releases endorphins, and endorphins help me refocus my mind. This is one of my ‘go-to’ activities when I feel stuck.

To learn about the power of endorphins:

Chasing the blue sky

Storm Clouds

As I headed out on my bike, I noticed that the sky was dark and fairly ominous. Rain is expected later today, and the evidence was spread out all around me. Oddly, the dark clouds comforted me because they matched my gloomy mood like a puzzle piece.

But as I pedaled down the path, my eyes were drawn to little patches of blue sky peeking through the darkness. Behind me was nothing but dreariness; ahead of me were little hopeful azure gems sparkling out of the dimness.

My path had me heading straight towards the hopeful patches, and I found I couldn’t tear my gaze away. I was literally chasing the blue sky ahead of me because I instinctually knew this journey was two-fold: I was chasing blue sky and finding happiness.

Chasing Blue Sky and Finding Happiness

Metaphorically, I was also chasing after sunniness amidst the darkness in my own mind.

As I had been writing, I had found myself concentrating so thoroughly on the sadness that I had lost my way. Now I was reminded to shift my focus and chase the happiness.

The Blue Skies are calling to you!

Have you felt stuck in the ‘yuckiness’? The blue sky is out there, calling to you to chase after it. Look at this picture I stopped to take. Significantly, beams of light have broken through the clouds like they are reaching their delicate arms out to embrace me in their warm glow.

What an incredible and stunning visual reminder to refocus my gaze to chase after the blue sky in my life.

Blue sky beckoning to me
Finding Happiness in the Blue Sky

3 O’clock Wednesday

3 O’clock Wednesday is upon us! Time to stop and pause and reflect. This is what I did today for me:

  1. Affirmation: First, I recognized that I was stuck feeling sad. Then I told myself that it was ok (because feelings are ok), but I deserve to feel happiness, and proceeded to do something to chase that feeling.
  2. Grace: It’s easy to get caught-up in my emotions. That’s ok! Accordingly, I gave myself grace for being so entirely human.
  3. Self-Care: I needed to go chasing blue sky to find happiness. I did that by going on a bike ride. Perhaps you might go on a walk, or listen to some beautiful, uplifting music, paint a picture, or sit outside in your garden. Whatever you do, do it intentionally for yourself.

Today, choose to go chasing blue sky and finding happiness. Do you see the silver glimmer of hope reflecting off the water? Blue sky is out there waiting for you. And, I promise you, finding happiness is right behind those storm clouds. You just need to intentionally take the time to refocus your gaze.

To see the origins of 3 O’clock Wednesdays, click here:

To join me on my journey of healing from betrayal, start here:

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