Tired? Sensory Secrets For Soothing Sleep
Tired? Sensory Secrets For Soothing Sleep

Tired? Sensory Secrets For Soothing Sleep

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Still tired? Ever had those days when you wake up feeling like you could sleep for a week? You drag yourself out of bed, but your energy tank is already on empty, and the day hasn’t even begun.

It’s like running on fumes, right?

I get it. Mornings that feel like a battle, days that seem like a never-ending marathon — been there, done that.

Well, guess what? I’ve stumbled upon a goldmine of sensory tips that promise to transform your restless nights into restorative slumber. For today’s 3 O’Clock Wednesday we are going to focus completely on self-care. It’s time to do something good for you!

Image Credit: Dmitry Ganin via Unsplash

Eyes On the Prize: Soothing Sight

Create a Dark Sleep Environment

Ensure your bedroom is as dark as possible by using blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out light. Blackout options can be found as traditional curtains or as adjustable and portable ones. Eye masks can be found on Amazon like this one or this one.

Calming Colors

Choose calming and soothing colors for your bedroom decor, such as soft blues, greens, or earthy tones.

Tired? Remove Those Screens!

Eliminate electronic screens an hour before bedtime to reduce exposure to blue light that can disrupt sleep.


If you aren’t a fan of complete darkness, use a dim night light with warm-toned light.

Natural Light Exposure

During the day, expose yourself to natural light, which helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. According to Healthnews, we should shoot for one hour of natural light per day to support our natural circadian rhythm.

Image Credit: Icons8 Team via Unsplash

Sound Asleep: Harness the Power of Sound

White Noise or Nature Sounds

Use a white noise machine or play calming nature sounds, like ocean waves or rainforest sounds, to mask disruptive noises and promote a peaceful auditory environment.

Relaxing Music

Listen to calming and instrumental music to help calm your mind and induce a sense of tranquility before bedtime. Check out this sleep mask/wireless headphones combo!


If noise is a persistent issue, use earplugs to block out unwanted sounds for a more restful night.


Improve your bedroom’s soundproofing by adding rugs or heavy curtains to reduce outside noise.

sense of smell

Scent-Sational Dreams: The Magic of Smell


Use essential oils like lavender, chamomile, or cedarwood in a diffuser or as a pillow spray to infuse your sleep space with soothing scents that promote relaxation.

Herbal Teas

Sip on a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea before bed, such as chamomile or valerian root, which can have calming and sleep-inducing properties.

Scented Candles

Opt for calming scented candles with natural fragrances to create a tranquil atmosphere. Warning: For safety, be sure to extinguish candles before going to bed.

Scented Sachets

Place scented sachets or potpourri with calming scents such as lavender in your bedroom.

Taste the Zzz’s: A Flavorful Night’s Rest

Avoid Heavy Meals

Avoid large, heavy meals close to bedtime, as they can disrupt digestion and lead to discomfort during the night.

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol

Cut back on caffeine and alcohol intake, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime, as they can interfere with sleep quality.

Light Snack

If hungry, opt for a light, sleep-friendly snack like a banana, a handful of almonds, or a small bowl of oatmeal.


Stay hydrated throughout the day, but avoid excessive fluids right before bed to prevent nighttime awakenings for bathroom trips.


Touching Base With Sleep: The Art of Comfort

Comfortable Bedding

Invest in high-quality, comfortable sheets, blankets, and pillows that suit your preferences for firmness and texture.

Temperature Control

Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature, usually on the cooler side, and use breathable sleepwear to prevent overheating or feeling too cold during the night.

Weighted Blanket

Consider using a weighted blanket like this one from Amazon to provide gentle, comforting pressure that can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Weighted stuffed animals are also a great choice that is also cooler during the summer months.

Pajama Choice

Wear comfortable and breathable sleepwear that matches the season to ensure comfort while sleeping. Breathable sleepwear can be found as women’s pajamas, nightshirts, and men’s pajama pants.

Tired? Change Your Pre-Sleep Routine

Develop a relaxing pre-sleep routine that includes activities like gentle stretching, meditation, or reading to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

By addressing each of the five senses—sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch—you can create a sleep-conducive environment that enhances the quality of your sleep and helps you wake up feeling more refreshed and revitalized.

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