Rising Strong: Finding Inner Strength in Challenges
Rising Strong: Finding Inner Strength in Challenges

Rising Strong: Finding Inner Strength in Challenges

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inner strength in numbers

Life has its way of throwing curveballs that test our inner strength, doesn’t it? And those challenges can sometimes leave us feeling inadequate, unprepared, and weak.

These unexpected twists can leave even the most confident person questioning their strength.

But guess what? You are an absolute marvel, a unique soul with the inner strength to overcome any challenge. Your journey is a testament to your extraordinary spirit.

This brings me to my long-running obsession with lighthouses. I love lighthouses: I love to visit them, hang pictures of them on my wall, and can you guess what picture is on every calendar I buy? Yep! Lighthouses! And for me, lighthouses are the visual embodiment of strength.

The Lighthouse


I’ve always thought the lighthouse stands as a profound symbol of inner strength amidst life’s challenges, embodying unwavering presence and resilience against turbulent seas. The lighthouse emits three keys to building inner strength.

Guiding Light

The towering figure of a lighthouse amidst tumultuous waters is akin to our inner strength that leads us through life’s tempests. Just as it acts as a steadfast force, our inner strength becomes a guiding light, steering us through difficulties and illuminating a path of hope when we find ourselves adrift and uncertain.

Unyielding Resilience

Against the battering of fierce waves and harsh weather, a lighthouse remains resolute. It becomes a reflection of our ability to stand firm even when circumstances are challenging, reminding us that we possess the power to weather any storm.

Adapting to Change

Lighthouses seamlessly adapt to shifting conditions, using their light to provide safety in diverse scenarios. Similarly, our inner strength aids us in navigating life’s changes, helping us discover solutions, manage unexpected twists, and forge ahead with courage.

Just as a lighthouse stands tall against the tides, so too can we stand strong in the face of challenges, guided by our inner light.

3 O’clock Wednesday

For this week’s 3 O’clock Wednesday, let’s focus on how to rise strong just like a lighthouse.

Affirmation of Your Inner Strength

You are a powerhouse! Nothing can keep you down for long.

Remind yourself that you are a strong, capable human with the tenacity to face any new challenge with mightiness.

You may not be perfect (None of us are!), but you are doing your best, and that is more than enough. That takes strength!

Grace For Your Imperfections

Remember those little stumbles along the way?

They’re part of what makes you beautifully human.

Give yourself permission to embrace your imperfections, just as you do with the people you love. You’re a masterpiece in progress, and every brushstroke adds to your stunning canvas.

Self-Care Date

Now, let’s sprinkle some self-care magic into your week. How about a “Me Time” date with yourself? Whether it’s diving into a good book, taking a leisurely walk, or indulging in a soothing bubble bath, dedicate an hour just for you. It’s a small act of kindness that’ll remind you of the incredible person you are while fortifying your growing inner strength.

Chin up, my beautiful champion. Challenges may knock on your door, but you’ve got a heart full of resilience and a spirit that shines brighter than any storm. I’m here cheering you on; every step of the way.

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