After the Final Whistle: Post Super Bowl Self-Care Love
After the Final Whistle: Post Super Bowl Self-Care Love

After the Final Whistle: Post Super Bowl Self-Care Love

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Does your mental health need some extra self-care love after the big game? If so, you are not alone.

As the final seconds tick down on the Super Bowl clock, the world watches in anticipation, hearts racing with every play. This iconic event, a pinnacle of sportsmanship and celebration, brings together millions in a shared spectacle of triumph and defeat.

Yet, beneath the roar of the crowd and the spectacle of halftime shows lies an unspoken truth: for some, the Super Bowl is more than just a game—it’s a catalyst for emotional upheaval. (Check out this related story: Anxiety & Halloween.)

Here is the companion Youtube podcast Fight Super Bowl Depression

Super Bowl self-care

Why the Need for Self-Care After the Final Whistle

From the stress of high expectations to the loneliness amidst the cheers, the Super Bowl can amplify feelings of depression, making self-care more crucial than ever.

As we navigate the highs and lows of this national obsession, it’s vital to remember that the most important victory is the one over our personal battles.

Let’s explore how the aftermath of the Super Bowl can serve as a reminder to prioritize our mental health, turning the post-game blues into a starting point for healing and self-care (For a related story, read “Chasing Blue Sky and Finding Happiness”.)

Super Bowl self-care

The Super Bowl and its Emotional Impact

Stressful Excitement

The Super Bowl is a rollercoaster of emotions, right? One minute, your team is up; the next, they’re not. This “stressful excitement” can be a lot to handle, especially when you’re already dealing with depression.

The highs are fleeting, and the lows, well, they feel like they’re in it for the long haul.

This game, in all its uncertainty and intensity, can feel like a metaphor for the ups and downs we experience. Now that it’s over, it’s essential to recognize that stepping back and finding a quiet space away from the chaos is okay. In fact, this is an electric billboard signaling the need for some self-care.

Socializing can be overwhelming

High Expectations and Social Pressure

Have you ever noticed how the Super Bowl feels like it comes with its own set of rules for fun? It’s like there’s this unwritten expectation to laugh louder, cheer harder, and be part of the wave of excitement.

But here’s the thing—what if you’re just not feeling it?

For those of us grappling with depression, these expectations can feel like an extra weight. It’s as if the whole country is at a party we’re just not up for. The pressure to join in, to mask how we’re truly feeling, can be suffocating.

It’s okay to feel out of sync with the festivities. Remember, it’s not the Super Bowl that defines our worth; it’s our ability to navigate through our feelings at our own pace.

Self-care after celebratory eating

Lack of Self-Care and Poor Eating Choices

Super Bowl Sunday and snacks go hand in hand, but have you noticed how easy it is to overdo it?

Something about the combination of comfort food and the communal spirit makes it hard to resist just one more bite. But here’s the catch—these poor eating choices can actually make us feel worse in the long run.

There’s a link between what we eat and how we feel, and overindulging in unhealthy foods and alcohol can amplify feelings of lethargy and depression.

It’s not about skipping the fun but about enjoying it mindfully. Maybe we can use this as an opportunity to introduce healthier options to the snack table. Who knows? Your quinoa salad might just be the next Super Bowl hit!

Self-care to beat the blues

The Disappointment of Loss Cries For Self-Care

Experiencing the defeat of your team in the Super Bowl can feel like a personal loss, can’t it? It’s as if all the hopes and dreams of the season come crashing down in one single moment.

For those of us battling depression, this disappointment can hit harder, deepening already present feelings of despair and failure.

It’s crucial to remind ourselves that it’s just a game. The sun will rise again tomorrow, and the world will keep spinning.

This loss does not define us or our ability to find joy and success in other areas of our lives. Let’s allow ourselves to feel the disappointment but not let it consume us. After all, there’s always next season; in the meantime, there are countless opportunities for victories in our personal lives.

Self-care feelings

Recognizing Your Feelings Before Self-Care Can Begin

Now that the confetti has settled and the echoes of the Super Bowl celebrations have faded, it’s a good time for a bit of quiet reflection.

Events like the Super Bowl, with all their intensity and communal expectation, can leave us feeling a bit off in the days that follow, especially for those of us navigating the waters of depression.

It’s not just about the game; it’s about the emotions it stirs within us, some of which might feel unexpectedly strong or unsettling.

Are There Triggers?

If you’ve found yourself feeling more down than usual after the game, it might be worth exploring whether certain aspects of the Super Bowl experience triggered you. It’s easy to overlook the connections between specific events and our emotional responses, but recognizing these triggers is a crucial step toward managing our mental health more effectively.

  • Did the high energy of the game and its surrounding festivities leave you feeling exhausted or overwhelmed?
  • Was the social pressure of the event stifling?
  • Did the disappointment of your team’s loss cut deeper than you anticipated?
  • Was the shift back to “normal” after such a hyped event jarring?

These feelings are all valid, and acknowledging them is the first step towards understanding your emotional landscape a bit better.

Take a moment to consider how you’ve been feeling post-Super Bowl. Have feelings of sadness, anxiety, or isolation been stirred?

Recognizing these triggers isn’t about assigning blame or feeling guilty; it’s about gaining insights into what affects your emotional well-being. By identifying these triggers, you can start to develop strategies for coping with similar situations in the future, ensuring that you’re better prepared to take care of yourself, no matter what the calendar throws your way. And the platinum coping mechanism is self-care.

A Time-Out for Self-Care

In the wake of the Super Bowl’s whirlwind of emotions, feeling a bit adrift is normal. Whether you’re dealing with the highs of a win, the lows of a loss, or just the general intensity that comes with such a significant event, taking steps toward self-care is key to regaining your emotional equilibrium. Here are some strategies to help you navigate the post-Super Bowl period with kindness and compassion towards yourself:

Physical Activity

Now’s a great time to embrace gentle, restorative forms of physical activity. A brisk walk in the fresh air can do wonders for your mood, clearing your mind and helping you process any lingering feelings from the game. Yoga, with its focus on breath and movement, can also be incredibly grounding, helping you to reconnect with your body and find a sense of peace. Remember, the goal isn’t to push yourself; it’s to find joy in movement and allow it to uplift you.

Healthy Eating

After a day of indulgence, bringing balance back to your diet can profoundly impact your mental health. Aim for meals that nourish and satisfy, incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. These foods can help stabilize your mood and energy levels, providing a solid foundation for emotional wellness. If the idea of overhauling your diet seems daunting, start small. Even a few healthy choices can make a big difference in how you feel.

Self-care with friends

Social Support

Connecting with supportive friends or family members can be incredibly healing, especially when feeling vulnerable. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your network for a chat, a laugh, or even a shoulder to lean on. If the post-Super Bowl blues feel overwhelming, consider seeking professional help. Therapists and counselors can offer valuable guidance and support, helping you to navigate your feelings in a safe and constructive environment.

Mindfulness and Relaxation

Incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine can help to manage stress and bring a sense of calm to your life. Meditation, even just a few minutes each day, can help center your thoughts and reduce anxiety. Deep breathing exercises are another great tool, offering a quick and effective way to calm your nervous system in moments of stress. These practices can help you find balance in the aftermath of the Super Bowl, allowing you to approach your emotions with gentleness and patience.

Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t just a post-Super Bowl necessity; it’s a crucial aspect of living well daily. By incorporating these self-care strategies into your routine, you can build resilience, improve your mood, and navigate life’s ups and downs more easily.

The Self-Care Challenge

Navigating the post-Super Bowl blues requires a holistic approach to self-care, addressing physical, emotional, spiritual, individual, and group needs. Here’s a curated list of self-care activities tailored to each category:

Physical Self-Care

  1. Take a Nature Walk: Engage your senses and refresh your spirit by walking in a natural setting.
  2. Practice Gentle Yoga: Focus on restorative poses to relieve tension and enhance well-being.
  3. Engage in a Home Spa Day: Take a long bath, use aromatherapy, and relax your body.

Emotional Self-Care

  1. Journaling: Express your feelings and thoughts to understand and process them better.
  2. Watch a Feel-Good Movie: Choose a film that lifts your spirits and makes you laugh.
  3. Practice Gratitude: Write down or mentally note things you’re grateful for each day to shift focus from negativity.

Spiritual Self-Care

  1. Meditation: Spend time in silence, focusing on your breath to cultivate inner peace.
  2. Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors to feel a deeper sense of connection and grounding.
  3. Read Inspirational Literature: Choose books that uplift and inspire you spiritually.

Individual Self-Care

  1. Learn Something New: Take up a hobby or learn a skill you’ve always been interested in.
  2. Solo Creative Projects: Engage in painting, writing, or any creative outlet that allows for personal expression.
  3. Take a Digital Detox: Allocate some time away from screens and social media to reduce stress and improve focus.

Group Self-Care

  1. Host a Post-Super Bowl Reflection Gathering: Share experiences of the game and discuss feelings in a supportive environment.
  2. Community Service: Volunteer with friends or family, turning focus towards helping others.
  3. Attend a Group Exercise Class: Whether it’s a dance, spin, or Pilates class, doing it with others can boost your mood and motivation.

Each of these activities offers a way to nurture different aspects of your well-being, helping you move through the post-Super Bowl period with grace and resilience. Remember, self-care is personal and flexible; adjust these suggestions to fit your unique needs and preferences.

3 O’Clock Wednesdays

As part of this week’s 3 O’Clock Wednesdays, quickly make a self-care plan to lift your spirits this week. Choose one from the provided list, or create something that is uniquely crafted to be uplifting to you. It doesn’t matter what it is — it doesn’t need to be big, flashy, expensive, or Instagram-worthy. It just needs to make your soul smile.

Don’t feel bad if all the Super Bowl excitement has left you feeling a little bit down. Take control and give yourself some direct self-care love this week!

I promise you will feel better.

Check out my new YouTube podcast, Lilly’s Anti-Depressant Life @iamlillyiamstrong.

To see past 3 O’clock Wednesdays, click here.

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