EMDR and Me: A New Journey
EMDR and Me: A New Journey

EMDR and Me: A New Journey

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Welcome to my journey with EMDR therapy, a method that has started to transform my life. Sometimes, no matter how many Band-Aids we slap on, the deep wounds in our minds need more than a temporary cover-up. This is a story about finding a bridge between traditional therapies and the deep, restorative healing I needed.

The EMDR bridge

EMDR: A Bridge to Healing When Band-Aids Aren’t Enough

For years, I have battled with depression, anxiety, and complex PTSD. Traditional talk therapy and medications were part of my routine, helping to manage symptoms but not fully addressing the underlying turbulence. It was like continuously treating a deep, painful bruise with nothing but Band-Aids. Then, my psychiatrist suggested EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), describing it as a bridge between cognitive therapies and the healing I desperately sought.

EMDR is intriguing because it doesn’t just patch up emotional wounds—it stitches them closed, securely.


Lasting Change

I began EMDR with a mix of hope and skepticism. The initial sessions were slow and didn’t involve the typical eye movement techniques I had read about online. Frustration crept in as I expected quick fixes, but my therapist explained the need for patience.

This isn’t just about quick relief—it’s about lasting change.

When the actual EMDR started, the experience was nothing short of revelatory.

As my therapist moved her fingers and I followed with my eyes, my brain relaxed, so thoughts and memories cascaded in unexpected directions. I wasn’t just recalling experiences; I was feeling them, sometimes raw and intense. We targeted feelings of helplessness and lack of control, common themes in my nightmares and daily anxieties.

EMDR is work

A Work In Progress

The transformation didn’t happen overnight, but it has begun.

I no longer wake up in fear, literally running away from the attacker in my nightmares; now, the threats in my dreams are outside, not touching me—less personal, less terrifying. It’s as though I’m watching a scary movie, not living in one.

What an incredible difference!

Check out my latest podcast about what EMDR feels like here.

EMDR and choices

Should EMDR Be Part of Your Journey?

If you’ve felt your treatment plan has hit a plateau, EMDR might offer the deeper healing you’re searching for. It’s a journey through the mind’s own landscape, facing obstacles directly and transforming them into paths toward healing. Maybe you’d benefit from a new form of therapy, or at least start a new branch on your wellness tree. The only way to find out is if you spend a little time reflecting on how your journey is going.

I hope you take away from today’s discussion this: If you need help, go get it. It may be traditional talk therapy, exposure therapy, or weekly meetings with your bestie over tacos and margaritas. Be open to exploring whatever will help you heal from your trauma!

You are worth the investment!

Sweet Dreams With EMDR

I’m still early in my EMDR journey, but the shifts in my nightmares signal profound changes in how I process trauma.

I am hopeful and excited about what lies ahead, and I want to encourage anyone considering this therapy to give it a chance.

Keep in mind that the path to healing isn’t always straight. Sometimes, it’s a winding trail through a field of wildflowers, with every step taking you closer to where you need to be. Stay brave, stay open, and let your mind lead you towards healing. Every step forward is a step towards a brighter, healthier you.

See more articles here.

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