Stay Bright During June Gloom: 7 Proven Strategies
Stay Bright During June Gloom: 7 Proven Strategies

Stay Bright During June Gloom: 7 Proven Strategies

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Don’t let May Gray and June Gloom spell doom for your mental health! Let’s look at seven ways to stay on top of your mental health and keep your most precious natural resource — you — feeling shiny.

June Gloom

Don’t Let June Gloom Make Depression Worse

May Gray is ending, but June Gloom is just around the corner. These terms are often used to describe the overcast and cloudy weather in Southern California during these early days of summer, which can have a surprising impact on our mental well-being. The lack of sunlight and persistent gloom can exacerbate symptoms of depression, making it crucial to take proactive steps to protect our mood. Here’s how you can keep your spirits high and prevent this weather forecast from making depression symptoms worse.

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Understanding the Impact

First, it’s important to understand why gray weather can affect your mood. Reduced sunlight exposure can lead to lower levels of vitamin D, which is essential for mood regulation. Additionally, less sunlight can disrupt your circadian rhythms, leading to poor sleep and increased feelings of fatigue. The gloomy weather can also psychologically affect you, making you feel more melancholic or unmotivated.

June Gloom light

Defeating June Gloom! The 7 Strategies

1. Lean Into the Light

Even on cloudy days, try to maximize your exposure to natural light. Spend time outdoors during the brightest parts of the day, and keep your indoor spaces well-lit by opening blinds and curtains. If possible, sit near windows while working or relaxing to take advantage of the available light.

2. Sleep, Baby, Sleep

A consistent sleep routine is crucial for mental health. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your circadian rhythms and ensures you get enough restful sleep, which can significantly improve your mood and energy levels.

Be active

3. Stay Active through June Gloom

Physical activity is a powerful mood booster. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Try to incorporate regular exercise into your routine, whether it’s a brisk walk, a run, or a yoga session. If the weather permits, exercise outdoors to get some fresh air and natural light.

4. Enjoy the Good Life

Engage in activities that you enjoy and that can distract you from the gloomy weather. This could be reading, cooking, listening to music, or spending time with loved ones. Keeping busy with enjoyable activities can help lift your spirits and reduce feelings of depression.

Connect with friends

5. Stay Connected

Social support is vital for mental health. Stay connected with friends and family, whether in person or through virtual means. Talking about your feelings and experiences with others can provide comfort and reduce feelings of isolation.

6. Look At The Bright Side Of June Gloom

What you wear can have a significant impact on how you feel. During all this gray, consider wearing bright colors to counteract the dreariness outside. Bright colors, such as this yellow jumper from Amazon, can lift your spirits and positively affect your mood. Incorporating these colors into your wardrobe can create a sense of brightness and positivity, even on the gloomiest days.

Bright flowers

7. Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring flowers are in full bloom right now, providing a natural way to boost your mood. Take the time to visit local parks, gardens, or even your backyard to enjoy the sights and smells of blooming flowers. The fragrance of flowers like jasmine, roses, and lavender can have a calming and uplifting effect. Studies have shown that pleasant scents can improve mood and reduce stress, making flower-smelling a simple yet effective way to counteract the gloom of June Gloom. You can also utilize aromatherapy to reap similar benefits.

***Important Note — Seek Professional Help When June Gloom Gets Too Gloomy

If you find that your depression symptoms are worsening despite these efforts, it’s important to seek professional help. Therapists and counselors can provide support and strategies to manage your depression effectively. Medication may also be an option if recommended by a healthcare professional. Remember, it’s always okay to ask for help when you need it!

3 O’Clock Wednesday

This week, take a moment to cover yourself in the 3 O’clock Wednesday Ideals.

  1. Give yourself grace. Know that it is okay to feel down when the sky is gray. It’s not a weakness; it is natural.
  2. Give yourself an affirmation. Remember that you are the bright spot in someone else’s day. You are a gift to the world.
  3. Give yourself some self-care. Choose from the list one thing to do this week that will help you battle away the June Gloom.

Stay bright and take care of your mental health!

Read more about 3 O’clock Wednesdays!

And watch my latest podcast on EMDR:

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